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Employee Spotlight - Michael Sovine, Hot Shop
- Employee Spotlights Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlight - Michael Sovine, Hot Shop

Pronounced “so-fine,” Michael is our between-classes hot shop baby – he came in at the tail end of our sophomore apprentice class but a month before our freshmen batch – but he’s leveraged the in-betweenness to low-key learn all of the early steps on the hot shop floor – mould holding, carrying in, gathering. He’s become a captain of the freshman apprentice class, taking the lead during furnace construction, clambering over the crown and sawing bricks to fit. He enjoys the work, and it’s clear in his work ethic, and we’re happy to have him on board.
Employee Spotlight - Michael Sovine, Hot Shop

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Employee Spotlight - Theresa Johnston, Custodial

Employee Spotlight - Theresa Johnston, Custodial

Theresa joined us last year just before Halloween, subbing in for awhile on the Lehr before land...

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Employee Spotlight - Austin Bates, Lehr

Employee Spotlight - Austin Bates, Lehr

Austin Bates joined us in our maintenance department in the beginning of December, 2023, and has ...

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