No relation to our other legendary Adkins (Ray), Jimbo joined us this year in our latest batch of hot shop apprentices. Jimbo’s at the center of a hungry and quick-learning group of apprentices that has joined us since the Festival of Glass in August. Jimbo’s a quick study, and has taken to gathering - in all its various forms. One of our favorite pictures from this year is of Jimbo slinging dalles de verre with Chuck before FoG! In fact, just about every one of the Mothmen bookends we’ve made in the past few months has been slung by Jimbo. He’s been bit by the glass bug, and we love it – he keeps the questions coming, and is always ready for the next thing.
We’re working continuously to improve our reference resources so you can dive deeper into our storied brand’s stories and support us into a new century of modern art glass for your home!
Love your dimple glasses. Sturdy, colorful and unique. Disappointed they are being discontinued. Luckily was able to pick a few more to complete our set before they’re all gone.