Employee Spotlight - James Woodson
When you come by the factory to watch us in action any weekday between 9am and 2pm, you’ll see us hard at work, making hot glass, and can watch us in action from our Observation Deck. But on the weekends, for too long – crickets. That’s where James Woodson stepped in! A skilled West Virginian glassblower, James once worked on our shop floor in production before striking out for other vistas and his own art glass practice. Now he’s back, and helping train our next generation of hot shop employees on Fridays – and for your viewing pleasure, putting on some impressive small-team shows on the weekend, demonstrating the process of handblown glass. You can buy the fruits of his weekend work in our Visitor Center on the colorful ‘Weekend Glass’ table!
All Blenko Glass is made by hand – and many hands touch each piece before it leaves our factory and finds its way to you. Continue to watch our page each week for other Employee Spotlights as we share with you our appreciation of the true folks at Blenko who create our beautiful glass products and make the magic happen behind the scenes from day to day.