Heather McKenna joined us as a hot shop apprentice in January of this year, and has made leaps and strides since starting as a mould-holder. We’ve discovered that she has a propensity for all kinds of odd jobs on the hot shop floor – as when we discovered she was the ideal assistant for finishing our Square Peg Crystal cube stoppers. If you were lucky enough to snag one of those pieces, then you can admire Heather’s steady handiwork. Her attention to process and detail, and her watchfulness on the shop floor, make her an important member of our team.
All Blenko Glass is made by hand – and many hands touch each piece before it leaves our factory and finds its way to you. Continue to watch our page each week for other Employee Spotlights as we share with you our appreciation of the true folks at Blenko who create our beautiful glass products and make the magic happen behind the scenes from day to day.